Revell 1/32 Bf 109G-2: Souvenir Hunters
By Kent Karlsen

This is a diorama/build I have wanted to do for a very long time. Inspired by the many photos of a German Messerschmitt Bf 109 crashed in the Libyan desert, during the North African campaign, with a British vehicle and crew, picking up the ‘leftovers’ from the Bf 109.
Converting the old Airfix Monty’s Humber, into a 8 cwt wireless vehicle was somewhat of a task, but also fun. The wheels were reworked with a new tire thread and cast without wheel caps.
No aftermarket parts, just scratch build styrene, canvas done with paper tissue and white glue… Paints: Lifecolor. Weathering done with Ammo Mig Afrika Korps Wash and oils.
The Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2 is my old Revell G-6 from the seventies, taken apart, sanded down and rescribed. Aftermarket parts: HGW Bf 109G-6 - Super Riveting Set 1/32, Aires G-2 cockpit resin set, Quickboost tropical filter, exhaust, machine guns and stabilizers.
Paints: Vallejo Sandy brown 71.034 thinned/lightened with desert sand and white. Vallejo 71.046 Lichtblau RLM 76. Weathering done with AK Interactive Afrika Corps filter and Mig Ammo North Africa Dust nature Effects.
Figures are part MB and MiniArt reworked to fit 1/32.

© Kent Karlsen 2017
This article was published on Monday, January 16 2017; Last modified on Monday, January 16 2017