MDC 1/32 Hawker Typhoon
By Maxwell Williams
Hawker Typhoon W/Cdr Brooker 123 Wing June 1944

Wing Commander R E P Brooker, known as Pete to his colleagues, served with 56 Squadron during the Battle of Britain then, after postings to the Far East and New Zealand, he returned to become W/Cdr (Flying) of 123 Wing, part of the 2nd Tactical Air Force which did so much to assist in pushing back the German Armies once a bridgehead had been established in France. Accounts that I have read of the man describe him as quiet and softly spoken, whose pilots followed him faithfully such that he became a first class and popular leader.
So, this is my attempt to model the Typhoon coded MN570 "B" for Brooker, in which he flew many sorties in June and July.

The kit is the MDC resin one, an enjoyable if at times challenging build. Hope you like the finished result! For more information on the build, check out my thread in the Work in Progress forum.
© Maxwell Williams 2025
This article was published on Saturday, January 25 2025; Last modified on Sunday, January 26 2025