Sprue Brothers Hong Kong Models

Reference Details for Strangers in a Strange Land, Vol. II: Escape to Neutrality

Book Cover
TitleStrangers in a Strange Land, Vol. II: Escape to Neutrality
AuthorsStapfer, Kuenzle
Types CoveredMosquito, B-24, B-17, P-47, P-51, B-26, Stinson L-5 Sentinel, MS.406, Bf 109E
Cockpit DetailsB-24 (p. 73)
Wheel Well Details
Other Details
Cutaway Drawings
Multiview Drawings
Generic Camouflage Patterns
Generic Markings Patterns
Specific Markings ProfilesB-17F (p. 33, 36), B-17G (p. 33, 36, 37), B-24D (p. 40), B-24G (p. 41), B-24H (p. 40, 41, 44), B-24J (p. 41, 44), B-26 (p. 48), Bf 109E-3 (p. 48), L-5 (p. 48), MS.406 (p. 48), P-47D (p. 45), P-51B (p. 45)
NotesShows B-17, B-24, L-5, MS.406, P-51B, and Bf 109E-3 in Swiss markings

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