Sprue Brothers Hong Kong Models

Reference Details for Zero, Hurricane & P-38

Book Cover
TitleZero, Hurricane & P-38
PublisherAerospace Publications
Types CoveredHurricane, Hart, Demon, Hawker Cygnet, Fury (biplane), Sea Hurricane, P-38, F-4 (photo-recon P-38), Model 10 Electra (XC-35), Hudson (Model 14 Super Electra), Model 18 Lodestar, A6M Zero, Mitsubishi Type 10 Navy carrier fighter, Mitsubishi Type 93 Navy land-based attack aircraft, Mitsubishi Type 87 Army light bomber, Mitsubishi Type 92 Army reconnaissance aircraft, Mitsubishi Type 93-1 Army heavy bomber, Mitsubishi R-1.2 trainer, Mitsubishi Hato-type survey aircraft, A5M Claude, A6M Zero, A6M2-K trainer, A6M2-J "Rufe"
Cockpit DetailsP-38F (p. 83), P-38M (p. 94)
Wheel Well Details
Other DetailsHurricane engine bay & propeller (p. 56), undersurface detail (p. 62); P-38J engine bay (p. 88), flaps (p. 70, 79); P-38J (and P-38L) dive recovery flaps (p. 87); A6M2 [Nakajima Sakae 21] engine (p. 124)
Cutaway Drawings
Multiview DrawingsHurricane prototype (p. 24), Hurricane I (p. 25); P-38L (p. 90, 91), F-5 [photo-recon P-38G/J/L] nose profiles (p. 89); A6M3 (p. 132), A6M5 (p. 133)
Generic Camouflage Patterns
Generic Markings Patterns
Specific Markings ProfilesHurricane prototype (p. 41), Hurricane I [including Finnish HC452] (p. 41, 42), Sea Hurricane IA (p. 42), Hurricane IIB {US and Soviet markings] (p. 43), Hurricane IIC (p. 43, 44), Hurricane T.IIC [Persian markings] (p. 44), Hurricane IID (p. 44), Hurricane IV (p. 44); XP-38 (p. 99), YP-38 (p. 99), P-38D (p. 99), Lightning I (p. 99), P-38E (p. 100), F-4 [photo-recon P-38F] (p. 100), P-38F (p. 100), P-38J (p. 100, 101), P-38L (p. 101), F-5E [photo-recon P-38J] (p. 102), F-5G [photo-recon P-38L] (p. 102), P-38L "Droopsnoot" (p. 102), P-38M (p. 102); A6M1 (p. 136), A6M2 (p. 136, 137), A6M2-K (p. 137), A6M2-N "Rufe" (p. 139), A6M3 Model 22 (p. 138), A6M3 Model 32 (p. 137, 138), A6M5 (p. 139), A6M5b (p. 139)
NotesIcludes lists of serial numbers of Hurricane production blocks (p. 38-40), RAF Hurricane squadrons (p. 53, 54)

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