Scale Aircraft Conversions | #32091 Bristol Beaufighter Landing Gear (Revell)
Reviewed by Ray Peterson

This recent release from Scale Aircraft Conversions is a new accessory set for the elder Revell 1/32nd Bristol Beaufighter kit. The set includes the main landing gear and tail gear as well as separate bracing. It is nice to see a little attention given to one of these older kits.
This set is simply meant to be a direct replacement for the kit’s plastic landing gear, providing the modeler the option to go with white metal instead of plastic. While the casting is quite good, most of the details are unchanged and any defects of the kit parts, such as molding seams, are therefore replicated on the SAC gear.

I still am not happy with the softness of the alloy used. While the gear is probably strong enough, it does bend easily and I don't know if it will give over time. Also, some of the bracing parts may be hard to use. Clean up of seams will be difficult, and the soft alloy will bend so easily it may be difficult getting them to stay straight. The modeler may be better off using the kit parts for these long and thin parts if they use this gear.
Recommended with reservations.
Thanks to Scale Aircraft Conversions for the review set.
© Ray Peterson 2016
This review was published on Saturday, May 07 2016; Last modified on Saturday, May 07 2016