Kagero | Mitsubishi A5M Claude
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Kagero
Author(s): Paduch
Publishing Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-83-66673-35-9
Pages: 76
This volume from Kagero (typical of several Monograph series, specifically where WWII aircraft are involved), is predominantly black & white photos of the Mitsubishi built A5M (Claude), showing various aspects of the Claude on the ground and in the air There are several detail shots that are pretty clear, but I don't know if these are wartime photos, or post war captured museum type examples. While certainly not a walk around type reference, nonetheless an excellent choice for those that may be interested in adding some nice Claude reference to the ol' book collection, as I most certainly will be doing. (Volume #75 in the Kagero "Monographs" series.)
Also included in the book (not photographed here), are two multi-sheet foldout drawings, showing plan, inverse plan and profile views in standard orthographic black and white drawings, all in 1:32 scale, which are really quite nice, a great plus that further enhances this volume. Featured in these drawings are both the A5M2b and A5M4.
Obviously, kits are available in our scale, of the A5M (Special Hobby), which is great. Representative color artwork associated with various schemes/squadrons (in single profile illustrations), are also provided.
Photo Samples
As seen, photos are generally not of the best quality, as is typically the case with many wartime Japanese photos (ironic, given their dominance in the field of photography after the war), as well as some nice line drawings and color profiles.
For any and all fans of the interesting A5M series (and who isn't), this book is just bound to please.
Topping out at roughly 76 pages of Claude coverage, it is very much recommended, and will undoubtedly be an asset to those choosing to model this nifty little monoplane fighter, a product from an earlier era in aviation that saw its own sunset long before the end of hostilities. This will make a great companion piece to my MMP/Stratus and Maru Mechanic volumes on the A5M series.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Thanks a ton to Casemate. All in, it's a truly nifty piece of reference work, and one that will surely be of interest to any aviation enthusiast/modeler that has a passion for the very interesting Claude.
© Kevin Williams 2021
This review was published on Friday, November 19 2021; Last modified on Sunday, November 21 2021